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“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man”

Luke 2:52

The goal of Legacy Christian Academy is to develop well rounded students who grow physically, academically, socially, and spiritually.

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Leadership Houses


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Students in grades 7-12 will start off the school year with a 3-day, 2-night retreat.   The purpose is to help get the students comfortable with each other and with their teachers.  Many friendships will be formed on the retreats.  Speakers will be brought in for spiritual emphasis.   Teambuilding and leadership activities will also be a key part of each retreat.  Retreats may also have fun activities such as tubing behind a boat, climbing walls, zip lines, the blob, water slides, laser tag, and much more!

College Students in Classroom
College Students in Classroom


Each year, the 10-12 grade will close for a week and the students will serve 35 hours on an internship.  The goal is to help them try out various careers and help to narrow down the direction that they intend to go with their lives.  Students will keep a journal of their internship and will be answering certain questions to help them think through the career choices.

College Students in Classroom
College Students in Classroom


Each student in grades 4-12 will be divided up on a House team.  There are Houses of Loyalty, Virtue, Honesty, Courage, Strength, and Passion.  Once a month the teams will compete in a House game.  They are also competing throughout Spirit Week and the retreat.  Points are awarded for things like participation in spirit week, wining a competition, making the honor roll, being chosen the Saint of the Quarter, doing good things, etc.   Points are taken away from your team for detentions, work not turned in, etc.  The goal is to build a family culture building on the positive things and encouraging one another to do what they should do.

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Field Trips
Student Council
National Honor Society

National Honor Society

Legacy has a chapter in the National Honor Society.  Students in the society must do well academically but they also have to display leadership, patriotism, service, and be well rounded.  The leadership on the Honors Society also serves as the student body officers to lead our student government.  The Honor Society leads the student body in community service projects and community outreach.

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College Students in Classroom

Field Trips

Field Trips can be taken in any grade to allow hands on opportunities to learn outside of the classroom.

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Student Council Government

Each class in grades 7-12 will elect a class President and Vice-President.  These officers will represent their class in monthly meetings.  They will have the opportunity to voice thoughts from their class, give input on spirit week and much more.  They will also work with the Honor Society as they work with their class in service projects and community outreach.

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Field Day

Field Day

At the end of each school year, the Kindergarten through 5th grade will participate in a family oriented field day.  There will be a variety of activities and fun for the students and their families to enjoy.  This event is typically sponsored by FFOS (Friends and Families of Saints) which is our PTO.


Career Day

Career Day is designed to go hand in hand with the Internships.  Students is grades 10-12 will take the ASVAB test for career aptitude.   We will then have professionals from various careers who come in and share about their various careers.  Students will then have the opportunity to go to break out sessions and learn more about the careers that they have interest in.  This is a great time for students to line up their internships.  

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Career Guidance

Junior and Senior students and parents are encouraged to meet with Administration to discuss college planning.     We also have our high school students take the ASVAB test for career aptitude.   Every few years we hold a Career Day and have many careers represented to help the students understand their options.  We also have colleges and military recruiters come to share with students throughout the year.  Students in grades 10-12 participate in our Internship Program that is designed to help students experience various careers so they can make wise college and career decisions.  

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Hot Lunch Program

Students can either pack their lunch or to purchase lunch through our hot lunch program.  The cafeteria also has ala carte items available for purchase.



RenWeb is our school management system.  Parents can view all lesson plans, homework assignments, and grades.   Parents can also use it to contact the teacher.  Renweb will also keep parents aware of any discipline or any academic concerns.   RenWeb is linked with FACTS so a parent can easily log in and see their financial status as well.



The doors to the school are locked and require a key fob to open them.  We also have security cameras on the main doors and hallways.  Safety and security of our students. staff, and parents is a priority.

Home Coming

Each Winter we celebrate Homecoming.   That week, we have spirit week each day, house games each day, we like to have pep rallies and other activities when we can, and many other fun activities.    The culmination of the weak is with Homecoming games which are followed by our Homecoming court.  Each class chooses their class representatives.  The entire school then votes on a Homecoming King and a Homecoming Queen who are crowned by the previous King and Queen.  We love to have our Alumni and many others come join us for this exciting evening!


School Nurse

We hope to add a full time nurse to our staff so that we have the extra care here on site for your children. 

Spirit Week 

Each year along with Homecoming we dress up each day for Spirit Week.  The Student Council gives ideas to the Administration and each day will have various dress up themes.  Sometimes it will be things like Pajama Day, Twin Day, etc.   House teams are awarded points for House participation in the dress up themes and the best in each grade are chosen as winners.  House points are also given for winning the nomination as the best in each class.  We are proud to be Legacy Saints!



We will have a chapel for our Secondary students each Thursday morning.  There may also be times where we would do a revival service for a few days as well as having services on our school retreat.  We will bring in a variety of chapel speakers.  The students will lead the worship time and have an important part of chapels.

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See you at the Pole  

Periodically throughout the school year the Student Council will lead the students, staff, and any parents who want to join in a time of devotion and prayer at the flag poles.  


We will take prayer requests but will pray for our school and our country. 



Each spring we have a high school prom.  The event is planned by our students and chaperoned by staff.

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Educating Students

for Christ


Legacy Christian Academy

5933 Valley Pike, Stephens City

VA 22655, (540) 252-0238



Partner with us as we continue to educate disciples for Christ.


Let's get started!

LCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national origin or disability, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include but are not limited to hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers, selection of students and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, students, volunteers and clients.

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