Legacy Christian Academy
Honor Code
As a student of Legacy Christian Academy, I hereby commit to honoring God by living a lifestyle of integrity, and respect for my peers, authority, and property of others. LCA's goal is to train students in a system of values that will carry forward in their life as a manner of living a life of high integrity. The spirit of this Honor Code is based on God's principles for successful living. It is of paramount importance for all members of the school community (students, parents, faculty, and staff) that each support these principles universally.
An honorable community is more than a commitment to follow a set of rules. It is a commitment to a Godly lifestyle. It is our sincere hope that all of our students will commit themselves to live out this honorable lifestyle for the rest of their lives.
The Honor Code in Legacy's Upper School is the following: Each student is morally obligated to refrain from cheating, lying, or misrepresenting the truth, and stealing.
Cheating: The act of giving, receiving, or attempting to give or receive unauthorized help that could result in an unfair advantage in completing academic work. Each student is to assume that all work is to be done individually unless a teacher specifies otherwise. Cheating includes plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking someone else's work, words, or ideas and submitting them as your own.
Examples of cheating include, but not limited to:
Copying information or answers from someone else's work, homework, projects, reports, essays, quizzes, or tests.
Allowing others to copy your work or doing their work for them.
Turning in an assignment that was to be an independent assignment but used the assistance of others.
Giving or taking assistance of any kind while taking a quiz or test. This includes glancing, talking or bodily gestures during an examination.
Using unauthorized help such as cheat sheets, notes, books, formulas or information in calculators or computers.
Discussing a quiz or test with another student who has not taken the quiz or test.
Direct copying of phrases from another source.
Direct copying of key phrases from another source with minor changes such as verb tense or the order of the words.
Using another person's ideas or words without proper citations.
Using workbooks from previous years with answers written in them.
Lying or Misrepresenting the Truth: Any action, statement, or appearance with the intention to falsify, deceive, misrepresent, or deny facts or truth.
Examples of lying or misrepresenting the truth include, but not limited to:
Missing class for any purpose other than your given reason.
Making a false statement or leaving out pertinent information in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage.
Denying fault or responsibility for events in which you participated.
Covering or lying for another student that violates the honor code.
Receiving permission from a teacher to do a specific task and deciding to do another.
Withholding information pertinent to the ability of the administration to make good decisions.
Stealing: Taking or attempting to take the property of others without their consent.
Examples of stealing may include, but not limited to:
Taking or borrowing the property of another person without permission even if
the intention is to return the item.
Stealing copies of tests or quizzes.
Finding something and making little or no effort in finding the rightful owner.
Removal of academic materials without permission from a teacher.
Suspected Honor Code Violations
Discuss the potential violation with that student and give him/her the opportunity of turning himself/herself into the administration.
Go to an administrator or teacher with the suspected violation.
Students of LCA should always assume that the Honor Code is in effect. Violation of the Honor Code on or off campus will have consequences and these consequences are listed within our Discipline Policy. Students violating the honor code while holding any position of student leadership will be removed from leadership for the remainder of that academic school year. A student may submit a written appeal for the following year.