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Code of Conduct

In all areas of learning, discipline must be considered in the development of the whole person. The Code of Conduct is based on the Gospel message of Jesus. Growth in self-discipline, a responsibility for Christian moral values and a loving respect for the rights of all persons is encouraged and nourished by the Code of Conduct. To achieve these ends, parents, guardians, faculty, staff, administrators, and students work together to create a Christian school environment.

These basic components include:

  • Teachers have the right to teach. No student will stop the teacher from teaching.

  • Students have the right to learn. No student will stop another student from learning.

Based upon Christian moral values and loving respect for others taught by Jesus:

  1. Students will be honest and committed to integrity.

  2. Students will be respectful and courteous toward all teachers and adults.

  3. Students will refrain from harassment, physical contact, or bullying of any kind.

  4. Students will use appropriate language.

  5. Students will speak respectfully to and about others.

  6. Students will complete all assignments on time and participate fully in class.

  7. Students will respect all school and personal property.

  8. Students will refrain from any deliberate disruption in the school.

  9. Students will adhere to the school’s cell phone policy.

  10. Students will comply with the internet acceptable use policy.

  11. Students will demonstrate good sportsmanship.

  12. Students will adhere to the dress code.

  13. Students will not give or receive unauthorized assistance on tests, quizzes or assignments.

  14. Students will not leave school grounds during the school day without permission.

  15. Students will maintain and support others who maintain a safe and drug-free environment at or near school and at all school sponsored functions/activities with the understanding that possession or distribution of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any other substance that may be harmful or dangerous and forbidden to include drug paraphernalia may result in suspension or expulsion from LCA.

  16. Students will not engage in any physical or verbal contact with another student which could be interpreted to be an inappropriate display of affection on school grounds or at school-sponsored activities.

The school observes this Code of Conduct because it is built on fundamental Christian social teachings. The role of the administration, staff and faculty is to work with the parents/guardians to assist the students in developing a strong Christian attitude toward life.

Educating Students

for Christ


Legacy Christian Academy

5933 Valley Pike, Stephens City

VA 22655, (540) 252-0238



Partner with us as we continue to educate disciples for Christ.


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LCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, national origin or disability, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include but are not limited to hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers, selection of students and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, students, volunteers and clients.

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